The Principles of LED What is an LED? How does it work, and what kinds are there? How do you get colour and white? 11 July 2016 Lighting techniques
How is the luminous efficacy of a lighting system measured? What is the reference unit when referring to LED lighting: Watt, Lumen/Watt, or Lux/Watt? 23 June 2016 Lighting techniques
Optical categories and LED lenses Effect of different types of LED optics on light beams 21 March 2016 Lighting techniques Solutions by LEC
Evolution of wall-washing In 10 short years, lenses producing raking light for facades have created a small revolution. A look at wall-washing. 22 January 2016 Lighting techniques Solutions by LEC
Understanding colours through the eye How does the eye interpret colours of light? Definition of wavelength, cones and sticks. 21 December 2015 Lighting techniques