Integrating LEDs into street furniture A look on the possibilities of integrating LEDs into street furniture. Our solutions for exterior lighting in cities combine performance, safety and embellishment. 15 February 2018 Lighting techniques
Waterproof LED Lights: Preventing Capillary Action in Power Supply Cables Waterproofing LED lights is not enough, their entire electrical installation needs to be sealed. A lamp may be certified according to IP67 or IP68, but when it comes to the installation and connections, things are not that simple 18 January 2018 Lighting techniques Solutions by LEC
LED control: unaddressed protocols What are the protocols for controlling LED lighting so that all PWM, 1-10 V and 0-10 V lights behave the same way? Technical summary. 24 September 2017 Power supplies & control systems Lighting techniques
All you need to know about LED photometric code Every LED system has a photometric code. But what do these 6 numbers mean and what are they for? Let’s find out. 04 November 2016 Lighting techniques Norms & Quality
The colour rendering index at the LED test bench LED lights bear a three-figure photometric code. One of these figures is a colour rendering index. Explanations. 30 August 2016 Lighting techniques